Chess VS Checkers; What Mitch McConnell, and the Republicans can teach Our City Council about the Term “Majority.” by Brishon Bond

Some people understand power. They have an intuitive familiarity with it, and know exactly what to do when it’s in their grasp. They don’t shy away from using it, nor are they fearful of any blowback from those who may frown upon the way in which they choose to wield it. They instinctively recognize opportunities, and are willing to act with zero hesitation. Not because they believe they’ll keep the power forever; on the contrary, they know they won’t. And precisely because of that knowledge, they act swiftly when those aforementioned opportunities present themselves.

Then there are those who don’t.

Those folks oftentimes stumble into power. Sometimes through an abdication, a manipulation, or a premature grasp for it. However they get it, after a short amount of time it becomes abundantly clear that they don’t know what they’re doing, and at best their ineptitude causes stagnation, at worst, regression.

Basically a chess player, and a checkers player.

Mitch McConnell is a horrible politician that this author disagrees with on virtually every issue before the Senate. However, no honest discussion of his tenure as Senate Majority Leader would deny his ability to wield power in a manner that serves his side of the aisle brilliantly. Like any great chess player, Senator McConnell plays the long game. He scans the board and predicts future moves, then plans accordingly. Piecemeal steps don’t interest him. The calculated decision to deny President Obama’s Supreme Court nomination, only to turn around and ram through President Trump’s selection, weeks before Donald is defeated in the election, is pure strategy. Despicable? Yep. Hypocritical? Without Question! And yet, a masterful use of his power? You damn well better believe it.

Then there’s Vop Osli.

First off, he never really earned the position of power he now holds in local government as the City Council President. More importantly, he’s done nothing to solidify his position, earn citizen respect, or use this power in a way that makes significant advances for those who align with his political leanings. In other words, he’s a checkers player. His fellow democrats on the council are just as timid, and have done little to nothing to advance the city forward, particularly for communities of color. This problem is even more egregious because true power could not be more tenable than in this very moment. Democrats aren’t just the majority on the council, they hold a supermajority, going from a 14-11 split, to now holding 20 out of 25 council seats. Virtually anything President Osli and Dems want to do, they have the power, ie; the votes, to get done. Yet, as with any checkers player, nothing of significance has happened.

Other than a Black Lives Matter Mural.

As we face this moment in time where black lives are at the forefront of national conversation, a democratic supermajority could make ground breaking moves in the direction of community improvement. Sure, there may be discontent, possibly even indignation at forward thinking, progressive ideas such as police budget divestment. But so what!?!? With a 20 member supermajority, there’s nothing dissenters could do. Besides, always remember that real power never hesitates because of potential blowback.

Mitch McConnell didn’t.

Until Next Time,


2 thoughts on “Chess VS Checkers; What Mitch McConnell, and the Republicans can teach Our City Council about the Term “Majority.” by Brishon Bond

  1. Brilliant and Absolutely straight to the point well said. Definitely one of the most embarrassing moments in our time here in our city


  2. Some men want power not peace. Don’t confuse leader ship with power. Lead by example and understand you don’t need power over people what you need is compassion and the understanding the power of love. To educate and reduce hatred, anger, and fear! It’s a sad day when it comes down to a pissing contest.


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