A Savior?? Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!! By Brishon Bond


There’s a popular story in South African Folklore.  I’m unsure if it’s true or not, but the veracity is irrelevant here.  The underlying principle/message is why I mention it today.  Following his 27 years of unjust incarceration, Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa on May 10th, 1994.  Legend has it that immediately following his victory as he walked the streets of Pretoria amid cheering citizens that a woman ran up to him.  Making her way through the throng of people, sidestepping bodyguards and other officials, she finally reached him.  Upon being face to face with the newly elected President, she boldly asked: “Okay, we’ve elected you….NOW WHERE’S MY HOUSE!?!”….

I mention that story because the narrative being painted about our collective support for Hillary Clinton parallels that South African’s sista’s naivete.   And when I say “our” I’m talking about the African American community’s overwhelming support for her election to the Presidency of the United States.  I’m rarely surprised when outside entities, in their arrogance and privilege, take it upon themselves to psychoanalyze the motives behind our collective actions.  But lately, I’m seeing, hearing, and personally witnessing internal criticisms from other Blacks, mainly Bernie Sanders supporter, along these same lines.  They go something like this:

  • Y’all “Love” this woman?!?
  • “Caping”: aggressively fighting/advocating for something or someone without any sound reason to do so.
  • Stop looking for your savior!

And so on…….

See although these claims of “blind support” aren’t the exact same thing as the South African woman’s improbable request for a home from the President, they both fall under the umbrella of naivete, simple mindedness, and lack of understanding of the President’s role in the lives of her or his citizens.   Those are the characteristics most often hurled at me and other Black Clinton supporters.   So let’s clear the air right here and right now….Brishon and Secretary Clinton

I’m not swayed by her doing the whip-nae-nae on Ellen.  I don’t lose my mind when I see her at an African American church or arm in arm with the mother of Trayvon Martin. I don’t loose my ability to think clearly or critique just because I hear her say “Black Lives Matter”.   I am supporting Secretary Clinton for The Presidency of The United States because I believe there is no one on either side of the aisle, since the process began over a year ago, who is better suited, more qualified, more ready from day one to lead this country and indeed the world forward.  Now I know those beliefs sound like campaign talking points, but for myself and the majority of her support within my community, it comes from a place of information, analyzation and scrutiny.  Debating that substantive support is a separate issue for a different day.  Don’t believe she will enact substantive criminal justice reform?  Don’t believe she will work to build the middle class and lift people out of poverty?  Not a fan of her foreign policy approach? I’m willing to discuss/debate all of that.  But the point is that we have come to our support of her based on sound, reasoned, analysis.   Not on hype, name recognition, low information voting, or saxophone playing.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eCraUvIq-s  This is one of the reasons I’m in support of Secretary Clinton.  This is the most honest conversation that I’ve ever heard her have.  It cemented my support for her candidacy.  The willingness to hear tough, but spot on criticism of failed policies as it relates to mass incarceration, and then to respectfully, but firmly enunciate how she intends to address it.  Substance!  (I urge you to listen to both parts of this clip.  It’s a two part recording that highlights a substantive conversation.)

In closing I want to once again clarify my rejection of this notion of a “savior”.  Black people aren’t looking for a savior in the form of a President.  Those of us who believe in Christ Jesus already have a savior.  But what we are looking for is the person who will enact laws that move this country forward.  Someone who will defend us from terrorism, both foreign AND domestic.  Someone who will fight for the underserved and underprivileged.   Someone who has a lifelong track record of fighting for our children.  Someone who not only isn’t afraid to say “Black Lives Matter”, but is also bold enough to put substantive actions/policies behind that slogan.  Someone who isn’t afraid to admit that white privilege is real.  Someone who can stimulate our economy.  And finally, someone who can defeat Donald Trump.  That is why I’m with her.  Disagree with me if you must, but respect my reasoning….



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